About Chang Xiong

熊畅 Heather Xiong CFP®持有全美多个地区的执照,创立独立大盘年金保险经纪代理公司,并拥有CFP®️双认证。CFP®️作为全球最权威的财务顾问认证,确保对您及家人的财务安全承担“信托”责任。她还参与编写了美国“保险理财市场数据指南”,并多年在行业内开设保险教育专栏,彰显其卓越的专业实力。
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Just got my life insurance done, thanks to Heather's help. I knew nothing about life insurance and retirement plan, but she explained those professional terms and concepts in a way that even I can understand. Most agents will push you to buy their products which you don't even know well, that's why before I met Heather this concern hindered my decision to buy life insurance. I just wanted to meet an agent who is trustworthy and reliable, then in the right timing, I heard about Heather through a friend. Just after our initial chat, I already knew this agent is want I looked for. She saved me lots of time and trouble to look for the most suitable plan. And most happily, I do not need to worry about retirement from now on.
Jun L. Manager in BOA
Jimmy Wang VP in Sfist
Abby Wu 生物制药集团,帕萨迪纳
Chang Xiong

1968 S.Coast Hwy, #1700

Laguna Beach, 92651

Phone number
(901) 878-0410

Annuity products are offered through independent licensed insurance agents. Product availability, features and rates may vary by state. This information does not represent a recommendation or advice specific to your situation. The annuity information provided comes from sources deemed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed. Check with the annuity company for current product information, and review all annuity rates, terms, conditions and costs before making a purchasing decision. Annuity guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company.

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